solatium : M-W's Word of the Day
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The Word of the Day for December 22 is:
solatium \so-LAY-shee-um\ noun
: a compensation (as money) given as solace for suffering, loss, or injured feelings
Example sentence:
The judge awarded a substantial solatium to all of the bus passengers who were traumatized as a result of the accident.
Did you know?
In legal circles, a solatium is a payment made to a victim as compensation for injured feelings or emotional pain and suffering (such as the trauma following the wrongful death of a relative), as distinct from payment for physical injury or for damaged property. Like many legal terms, "solatium," which first appeared in English in the early 19th century, is a product of Latin, where the word means "solace." The Latin noun is related to the verb "solari," which means "to console" and from which we get our words "solace" and "console."
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